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The Risks of Wearing Contact Lenses for Too Long: What You Need to Know

The Risks of Wearing Contact Lenses for Too Long: What You Need to Know

Contact lenses are a popular alternative to glasses, offering convenience and often enhanced vision correction. However, wearing them for longer than recommended can pose serious risks to your eye health. Whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly lenses, exceeding the advised wear time can lead to discomfort, infections, and more severe complications. Let's explore what happens when contact lenses are worn beyond their intended duration.

Wearing Daily Contacts for More Than One Day

Daily disposable lenses are designed for single-day use. Wearing them beyond this period can lead to several problems. These lenses are made of thinner material to maximize comfort and oxygen flow but are not durable enough for extended wear. Prolonged use increases the risk of debris accumulation on the lenses, which can cause irritation and even eye infections. Additionally, the lens material can start to break down, leading to discomfort and a potential decrease in oxygen supply to the cornea, causing hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).

Wearing Weekly Contacts for More Than One Week

Weekly or bi-weekly contact lenses are intended for use over a one- or two-week period. Extending their use beyond this time can similarly increase the risk of protein and lipid deposits on the lenses. These deposits can cause discomfort and reduce visual clarity. More importantly, as the lenses age, they become more prone to tearing or developing micro-abrasions, which can harbor bacteria and lead to infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye) or even more severe conditions such as keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea that can cause vision loss if untreated.

Wearing Monthly Contacts for More Than 30 Days

Monthly contact lenses are designed for extended wear but should still be replaced after 30 days. Wearing them for longer periods can significantly increase the risk of serious eye infections. Over time, the lens material can degrade, leading to reduced comfort and decreased oxygen permeability. This degradation can cause hypoxia, promoting blood vessel growth into the cornea, known as neovascularization, a condition that can impair vision permanently. Bacterial buildup on older lenses can also increase the risk of developing a corneal ulcer, a painful, open sore on the cornea that requires immediate medical attention.

The Dangers of Sleeping with Contact Lenses

Sleeping with your contact lenses, whether intentional or accidental, further exacerbates these risks. During sleep, the eyes produce fewer tears, reducing the lens's natural lubrication and leading to dryness and irritation. Closed eyes also mean less oxygen reaches the cornea, increasing the risk of hypoxia. Lenses worn overnight can trap bacteria against the eye, leading to infections that could otherwise be prevented with proper lens care. Studies have shown that sleeping in contact lenses increases the risk of developing microbial keratitis by up to eight times compared to those who do not.

Falling Asleep with Contact Lenses On

Even if you unintentionally fall asleep with your lenses in, the risks remain high. Upon waking, you might experience redness, irritation, or a burning sensation due to the lenses drying out overnight. This dryness can cause the lenses to adhere more closely to the cornea, making them difficult to remove without causing further irritation or damage. It's crucial to rehydrate the lenses with a sterile saline solution before attempting removal.

Protecting Your Eye Health

To avoid these risks, it is essential to follow the recommended guidelines for contact lens wear and replacement. Never exceed the suggested duration for your specific type of lens, and avoid sleeping with your contacts unless they are specifically designed for overnight wear. Regular eye check-ups with an optometrist or ophthalmologist are also crucial to ensure your eyes remain healthy and to detect any potential issues early.

By taking these precautions and using contact lenses as directed, you can enjoy the benefits they offer while minimizing the risks to your eye health. Your eyes are irreplaceable, and caring for them should always be a priority. Contact our customer service team at 1-800-404-7317 or email for expert assistance.

